Thursday, February 10, 2011

Emma's Tangled birthday

For Emma's third birthday, she wanted a Rapunzel-themed cake (the Disney movie Tangled had just come out in the theaters and she loved it).  She loves all Disney princesses!  This was the most challenging cake I've made so far and I'm not totally proud of it.  It's too imperfect but Emma loved it! And that's all that matters to me.

And there's my dear Emma...


  1. I think the cake looks AWESOME, dude. For real. I can't wait to talk to you about it.

    Tangled Party Supplies

  2. How wonderful! Do you do this professionally or just one crafty lady? I am about to make a Tangled cake for my daughter. I had to sit back and have a laugh at myself worrying over this and remembered (not sure how I forgot the 11 hour castle cake I made) I own the Wilton Castle set. Wish me luck although I am sure it will not look nearly as wonderful as this one.
    Her idea was to just borrow her little Rapunzal like the one you have used and just make her hair long enough to spell out Sophia. Hmmm I got some thinking to do on this one.

  3. Believe it or not I stayed up all night (did not sleep a wink at all) when I made this cake. So it was more than an 11-hour cake. I had so much trouble with the tower since I made it with rice krispies treats and I think I made a mistake with the consistency. It did not harden completely. Did you make your cake yet? Good luck with it.
